Your donation is an investment in inclusion
Your support brings up one step closer to a future where full inclusion for people with disabilities in every aspect of community is a reality.
Ways to give
Donate online
Donating online is the easiest way to give to The League right NOW. We use a safe and secure online giving portal to ensure your gift will make a difference. A majority of our supporters use this method.
Click the button below to learn more and donate!
By mail
All donation checks should be mailed to:
The League
5821 S. Anthony Blvd.
Fort Wayne, IN 46816
By phone
To donate via phone, please call The League and ask for the Director of Finance and Operations.
Kroger Community Rewards
If you shop at Kroger or already have a Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card, you can impact The League every time you shop.
Here’s how to link your card:
- Register online at .
- Click on Sign In/Register and use your email and password to sign in.
- Click the ‘Community Rewards’ tab. Enter The League’s NPO Org. #DH574, select our organization, and click on confirm.
Each time you shop at Kroger, donations from Community Rewards are made to us!
However you choose to give, we’re grateful for your support!